Thursday, December 27, 2012

Healthy Baby!!!

Dear Blueberry,

One of those test you actually want to score negative
A few days ago, we went in for the Nuchal Translucency Screening (NT Screen), and guess what? YOU PASSED! What does that mean? Well, this test basically rules out any major risk that you may have Down Syndrome, chromosomal abnormalities, as well as any major congenital heart problems.

This test consisted of two parts: the first being a blood test your mom had to take the week before, and the second being another ultrasound. Not only did this allow the doctor to rule out major health risks, but it also got us another look at you!

12 weeks and counting!
Yeah, nothing too fancy here, but the good news is that you're looking healthy, and you've got all your arms, legs, toes, fingers, etc. While watching the image of you on the ultrasound screen, I couldn't but help think about how blessed your mom and I are. I worry everyday that a complication could arise, but at every turn, God has answered our prayers and has proven to us that we are not in control...that he has the ultimate say and God-willing, will speed you along to a healthy birthday!

Love, Dad

P.S. Doc says 80% chance you're a girl :)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Our Last Christmas

Dear Blueberry,

Our tree...all 12 feet of it!
I had an odd epiphany the other night while gazing at our Christmas tree.  It was getting late and we just spent the whole night wrapping gifts. Your mom went off to organize some pictures, and I just stood there in the silent living room, admiring our tree.

I was looking at each of our family ornaments. As you'll come to find out, your mom and I have a yearly tradition where we add an ornament to the tree that contains one of our photos from that year. 

As I passed through each of the ornaments; each one signifying a year gone by in our lives together, I realized this Christmas would be the last of its kind for our family. I couldn't but help think of the years to come, where the silent calm of this room would no longer be. Don't misinterpret what I'm saying though, what I'm trying to convey is how excited I am for the years to come! I miss that feeling of waking up on Christmas morning as a kid, and seeing all the new presents underneath the tree; the excitement as I beg my parents to start opening gifts already. I miss that because I miss being a kid, but I know that with you and possibly more brothers and/or sisters on the way, that this allows me to almost live vicariously through you. I'm excited to see you experience things for the first time, and how we'll almost be experiencing it anew as well; both as a parent, and with you.

This Christmas season will have its last silent nights for a while :)


First Gift!

Dear Blueberry,

Check out your very FIRST gift!!! That's right...a Star Trek Onesie!!! LOLOLOL! Super high fives goes out to my favorite power couple, Chris and Michelle Daggett for such a thoughtful gift!

Thank God it wasn't a red shirt!
Being an 80's kid, I grew up watching Star Trek (The Next Generation), and have probably seen every TNG episode at least 5 times each! Aside from the drama, action, and romance on the its core, it's a show about human nature. It gave me hope that a better future is always out there; that if we just inspire to be more than what we are now, we too can do great things with our lives.

I'm very excited to see what type of person you'll become, because between your mom and I, you'll have every opportunity to explore what you want to do in life. And I know that whatever you choose, you'll be GREAT at it!

Boldly Go,

Friday, December 14, 2012

First Ultrasound

Dear Blueberry,

Your mom has been carrying you a little over 10 weeks now, and you are growing fast! We had our first ultrasound appointment today, and got our first look at you! So far, you seem to be healthy, got all your limbs, and you have a healthy heartbeat! You even put on a little show for us by moving your arms and legs, I still can't believe it!

I might have to change this website to "Dear Gummi Bear"

We were able to hear your heartbeat, see you move, and now have confirmation on your estimated due date... July 7, 2013!

We still don't know if you're a boy or girl, but we've got another checkup and ultrasound in the next few weeks, and we're hoping to find out then. Reality is really starting to kick in now...especially after seeing that image of you on the screen. I honestly can't praise God enough for what a wonderful gift he's given us that is you.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

OMG its a girl!!!

Dear Blueberry,

So it's official...YOU ARE A GIRL!!! Well... as official as the Chinese Gender Chart (from shows, LOL!

Yes, it says congrats "mama" but I ran the test. I find it offensive that would assume I'm the mother :P

The site says this chart is about 90% accurate in predicting genders. Who am I to doubt my ancestors who made this? Haha! Actually, I think we are still about a month or so away from finding out. We can honestly say we don't have a preference in your gender. But we do have a sneaking suspicion that you may turn out to be a girl. Your mom is in no rush to find out what you are, but I REALLY want to know, so we can start getting things prepped for you...I am a planner after all.


Monday, December 3, 2012

Healthy Beginnings

Dear Blueberry,

Your mom had her first appointment at Kaiser Hospital earlier this week. I was told I didn't need to go to this one, because it was a preliminary type appointment where they took her blood and urine samples, and made her fill out a bunch of paperwork. Something Kaiser mentioned is that it can now test the unborn you to see if there will be any genetic defects. Gotta admit, I found that kind of cool at first, but then thought it through a little more...

The first of many pamphlets

What if we did that test, and we did find something? Does that mean we'll love you any less? No way! They gave us a pamphlet to review, to help us better evaluate if that should even be an option for us. It asks us questions if there is a history of mental illness or any other serious diseases. There is nothing on your mom's side that raises any red flags; but admittedly I do not know much about any serious illnesses on my side of the family. As far as I know, I'm fairly healthy...and other than being called "retarded" a few times, I don't think I have any mental illnesses. There is some risk with this procedure, but it does give couples the peace of mind that they will have a baby, free of serious illnesses; but if something is found, it helps us and the doctors prepare for any complications that may arise. We don't have to make a decision immediately,  but we do have to let them know in the next few weeks, because certain tests can only be performed in the first trimester.

You know, everyone keeps asking about our baby's future, if I want a boy or a girl, what type of birth we want to have, etc. What I keep thinking of, is what my lifelong friend John Romero would always say when I asked him about his first child, and that he just wanted a "healthy" baby above all else. I didn't realize till now (his son is now 6), how important that is. We want so much for you, but what it really comes down to, is that I just want you to be born healthy, and the rest we can work on...together.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Fit Mother = Fit Baby

Dear Blueberry,

Getting down with some prenatal Pilates

Look at your mother, hard at work with her new prenatal workout DVDs! I helped pick them out...via Amazon of course.

Before you came along, your mom didn't workout much, and I've been encouraging her to be a little more active. We did some reading and found that the better shape she is in, the easier you're going to come out, and the more healthy you'll be! She still needs a little extra encouragement every now and then. Not only is she turning food into a human, but her body is trying to compensate for the rapidly increasing weight; so she's  a bit sore all over. That pic shown above was taken when she was feeling nauseous, tired, and cranky...but she still pulled it together to get in a good 10 minute Pilates stretch!

I'm so proud of her!
