Dear Blueberry,
Your mom had her first appointment at Kaiser Hospital earlier this week. I was told I didn't need to go to this one, because it was a preliminary type appointment where they took her blood and urine samples, and made her fill out a bunch of paperwork. Something Kaiser mentioned is that it can now test the unborn you to see if there will be any genetic defects. Gotta admit, I found that kind of cool at first, but then thought it through a little more...
The first of many pamphlets |
What if we did that test, and we did find something? Does that mean we'll love you any less? No way! They gave us a pamphlet to review, to help us better evaluate if that should even be an option for us. It asks us questions if there is a history of mental illness or any other serious diseases. There is nothing on your mom's side that raises any red flags; but admittedly I do not know much about any serious illnesses on my side of the family. As far as I know, I'm fairly healthy...and other than being called "retarded" a few times, I don't think I have any mental illnesses. There is some risk with this procedure, but it does give couples the peace of mind that they will have a baby, free of serious illnesses; but if something is found, it helps us and the doctors prepare for any complications that may arise. We don't have to make a decision immediately, but we do have to let them know in the next few weeks, because certain tests can only be performed in the first trimester.
You know, everyone keeps asking about our baby's future, if I want a boy or a girl, what type of birth we want to have, etc. What I keep thinking of, is what my lifelong friend John Romero would always say when I asked him about his first child, and that he just wanted a "healthy" baby above all else. I didn't realize till now (his son is now 6), how important that is. We want so much for you, but what it really comes down to, is that I just want you to be born healthy, and the rest we can work on...together.